Our Dallas reckless driving lawyer explains that although both the criminal trial and civil lawsuit are based on the same conduct, these two cases will not be dependent on the results of each other. Therefore, if a driver is found guilty of reckless driving in a criminal court case, this will not automatically translate to your victory in a personal injury lawsuit.
The same can be said about a civil lawsuit. Just because your lawyer has proven that the reckless driver is responsible for your injury in a personal injury lawsuit does not necessarily mean that the driver will face criminal charges. In other words, the criminal and civil systems operate independently of each other, largely because they require different standards of proof.
If your car accident attorney can prove that the other driver was reckless in the course of a personal injury lawsuit, you may be entitled to receive punitive damages. In many cases, punitive damages are higher than the amount of compensation needed to cover your medical bills, loss of income, and other tangible losses.
Punitive damages intend to punish the reckless driver for his or her wrongful behavior and discourage him/her from engaging in that conduct in the future.
Speak about your particular case and let our attorneys from Law Office of Dorothy Hyde determine whether or not you are entitled to punitive damages as well as calculate the value of your case. Schedule a free consultation by calling our offices at (214) 883-1700.