You should speak with an attorney as soon as possible after a serious accident to determine whether it would be necessary or possible to file a lawsuit against the other driver. In fact, you should speak with an attorney before beginning the claims process. Insurance companies are likely to rush you into accepting the first settlement offered. It is also very easy to make mistakes during the early stages of the claims process. Anything you say to the other party’s insurer may be used against you to deny or limit your claim.
Some accident survivors and their families should file a lawsuit to recover adequate compensation. Insurance companies are unlikely to negotiate a fair settlement, as their bottom line is to make money and not to ensure you are compensated in full for your damages. They may do this by claiming you were partially at fault for the crash or that a separate third party caused the crash. When an insurance company denies or limits a claim, a lawsuit can help overcome this obstacle. An attorney can use evidence and knowledge of state laws to negotiate on your behalf, and if need be, take your case to trial.
The amount of damages suffered is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to file a lawsuit. Catastrophic injuries can lead to millions of dollars in expenses over the course of a lifetime. Spinal cord injuries are a great example of a car accident injury that can lead to millions of dollars in medical and life expenses. You should give yourself the best possible chance of obtaining compensation that can help pay for damages associated with serious injuries or the death of a loved one, as it is unlikely you could cover these expenses by taking the first settlement offered.
There are a couple of possible legal outcomes after a car accident. One possibility is that the other driver’s insurer negotiates with your attorney for a fairer settlement that can cover your damages. Another outcome is that the insurer refuses to settle, and it becomes necessary to file a lawsuit. It will take longer to receive compensation for your damages if the latter situation occurs. However, it may be the only means left of obtaining a verdict that is capable of covering the expenses caused by your injury or loss.